SiteViews: December 2023
Festive trucks, river otters, stunning sunsets and more make an appearance for this edition.

Priestly Demolition Inc.

Priestly crews conduct night work for the Essa Road Interchange/ Highway 400 Overpass Replacement project in Barrie, Ont.
PCL Construction / Mitch MacMaster

Member’s of PCL’s Special Projects team meet with some otters at the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo. PCL was involved in the facility’s redevelopment, constructing larger, more complex habitats for the bighorn sheep, muskox and river otters.
Henry Foundation Drilling

Henry Foundation superintendent Rick Dalkeith works hard drilling a battered pile as part of a bridge construction project.
Whitemud Ironworks / Mikaul Maygard

Crews make progress on the massive the new Lake City Studios in Burnaby, B.C.
VINCI Construction / Matthieu Longhini

A horse and carriage rolls over the recently completed Calgary Ring Road.
Orion Construction

The sun rises over the recently completed Empire Business Park, constructed by Orion and developed by Cedar Coast.
Lafarge Canada

Lafarge Canada’s cement trucks are getting into the Christmas spirit for holiday parades
PCL / EllisDon

PCL Construction and EllisDon have been mass excavating in front of Centre Block in preparation for the new Parliament Welcome Centre.
The shot of the month goes to …
Province of B.C.

Ministry of Transportation crews prep the Port Mann Bridge in Surrey for winter weather.