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Quik-Therm Innovative Insulation Solutions 2023 Winner

Top Innovator

Quik-Therm insulation’s approach is all about solid building science. Its Winnipeg-based team designs and develops physics-based, multi-functional weatherization insulation technologies that are affordable, high performing and easy to install.

What makes them an innovator:

  • Quik-Therm has developed the patented Matrix System, a multi-layer continuous exterior insulated wall, floor, or roof assembly that significantly reduces thermal loss.
  • The Matrix System is particularly useful in Northern Canada, where thick insulated walls are essential, offering an easy-to-install solution that reduces material and labor costs.
  • Quik-Therm collaborated with Red River Polytechnic’s Building Efficiency Technology Access Centre for comprehensive laboratory testing, expanding further opportunities for educational experiences.

Quik-Therm’s business model, industry involvement, and collaboration solidify their position as an innovative and forward- thinking company in the construction industry.

– Highlight from the nomination


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