Innovative Trenching Solutions 2023 Winner
Top Innovator
ITS specializes in and offers unique turn key pipeline construction project delivery. Its services include pipeline installation of high-density polyethylene, steel, fiberglass, and all other composite pipeline material.
What makes them an innovator:
- The ITS team leverages advanced one-pass trenching technologies to revolutionize the installation of fibre optic networks, electrical cables, and pipelines. Their equipment is versatile and can maneuver in most types of soils.
- The company can install over 10 km of underground utilities in one single 10 hour day.
- ITS’ methods are environmentally friendly, combining excavation, utility installation, and backfilling into one step, reducing the environmental impact.
- Company officials are working with the American Pipeline Association and the fibre optic sensing industry to standardize and improve installation methods.
“ITS’ adoption of specialized equipment designed for efficient and precise plowing of underground utilities really sets ITS apart from other means and methods of installing these types of underground utilities. Our equipment is versatile and can maneuver in most types of soils.”
– Highlight from the nomination
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