Graham wins Green Line preparation work for Ogden

The Calgary-based contractor will build infrastructure for vehicle and pedestrian mobility.

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Graham Infrastructure LP will help prepare the way for Calgary’s Green Line.

The Green Line Board selected Graham to build the 78 Avenue S.E. Grade Separation and Ogden Pedestrian Tunnel Project.

Before building the Ogden LRT station and tracks, the 78th Avenue Project will complete vehicle and pedestrian tunnels under the Canadian Pacific Kansas City Railway (CPKC) railway corridor to enhance mobility and pedestrian safety around the future Green Line LRT Ogden Station.

The city noted that Graham, which is based in Calgary, brings its extensive experience from major infrastructure projects across North America to the Green Line LRT Project. With approximately 26 trains per day operating on CPKC’s main line, the complex enabling works project is expected to reduce project and schedule risk as Green Line prepares for main LRT construction. Once the tunnel at 78 Avenue S.E. is complete and open to traffic, the vehicle crossing at 69 Avenue S.E., east of Ogden Road, will be permanently closed.

“Green Line has prioritized opportunities that advance construction, reduce risk, and support local job creation. Partnering with Graham to deliver this critical project speaks directly to this commitment,” said Darshpreet Bhatti, CEO, Green Line LRT Program.

With construction beginning shortly and extending through to summer 2025, the Green Line plans to work closely with the Ogden community to mitigate impacts, as best as possible. 

The city noted that as Green Line moves through the Development Phase for Phase 1, from Shepard to Eau Claire, additional opportunities for local contractors, trades and suppliers will continue.  Officials said the start of the Implementation Phase and main construction remain on track to begin in 2024.


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