Alberta wants workers to pack their bags for the prairies

Ring ring – it’s Alberta calling. A new campaign is looking to entice Ontario and B.C. workers to relocate.

A photo shows the Edmonton skyline.

Alberta has launched a new campaign to draw workers to cities like Edmonton. – City of Edmonton

Key Takeaways:

  • Alberta is a launching a new campaign to attract workers from the coasts.
  • The campaign will highlight wages, housing affordability and low taxes.
  • The messaging will target workers digitally, on the radio and in high traffic areas in Vancouver and Toronto.

The Whole Story:

The province is launching its Alberta is Calling campaign in Toronto and Vancouver. Officials stated that the campaign will focus on highlighting the Alberta’s advantages, including high wages, low taxes, affordable homes, short commutes, growing industries and access to mountain recreational activities. 

“In Edmonton, you can own four homes for the same price as one in Vancouver,” boasts the campaign’s website. 

The province also highlighted its $1,251 average weekly earnings are the highest in the country. The second highest is Ontario at $1,197 per week. In third is Alberta’s close neighbour, B.C. at $1,159 per week.

According to Statistics Canada’s 2020 Canadian Income Survey, released this March, Alberta families earned a median after-tax income of $104,000 in 2020, which is more than $7,000 higher than Ontario and nearly $10,000 higher than B.C.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney launches the Alberta is Calling campaign to draw workers to the province. – Government of Alberta

Officials noted that over the past three years, Alberta has seen growth in sectors including film and television, technology, agriculture, renewable energy, aviation and logistics. They believe this diversification means that job seekers have more opportunity to expand their skillsets and succeed in their chosen field.

The $2.6-million dollar campaign will target workers on social media and other digital spaces, on radio, and in high traffic locations across Vancouver and Toronto. It will roll out in two phases with additional high impact tactics in both markets.Recent data shows businesses are feeling the labour crunch. The Business Council of Alberta’s latest survey of employers showed that 78 per cent of respondents are having trouble meeting demand due to labour shortages. The Conference Board of Canada estimates there will be a shortage of one million workers in the trades and related occupations within twenty years.  


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