Agreement reached to fast track 2,600 homes for Hamilton
The deal includes agreements from the city to change zoning.

Sean Fraser, minister of housing.
The Government of Canada and the city of Hamilton announced that they have reached an agreement to fast track over 2,600 housing units over the next three years. Officials say the work will help spur the construction of over 9,000 homes over the next decade.
The agreement, under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) will provide over $93.5 million to eliminate barriers to building the housing we need, faster. It is the largest agreement so far made with the fund. It will allow for high-density development near rapid transit, including the future Hamilton LRT stations and make city-owned lands and brownfields available for development.
Hamilton has also committed to expanding as-of-right zoning permission for housing, including amending a zoning by-law to allow for the construction of four residential units on one lot.
The Housing Accelerator Fund asks for innovative action plans from local governments, and once approved, provides upfront funding to ensure the timely building of new homes, as well as additional funds upon delivering results. Local governments are encouraged to think big and be bold in their approaches, which could include accelerating project timelines, allowing increased housing density, and encouraging affordable housing units.
“Today’s announcement will help fast track over 2,600 permitted units in the next three years and 9,000 units over the next decade,” said Sean Fraser, minister of housing. “By working with cities, mayors and all levels of government we are helping to get more homes built for Canadians at prices they can afford.”