Ruairi Spillane 2022 Winner
Founder and Managing Director at Outpost Recruitment and Moving2Canada

Ruairi Spillane moved to Canada from Ireland in 2008 for an employment opportunity in finance. After the global financial crisis, he identified that Canada was experiencing a labour shortage in construction at a time when his native country was exporting construction talent. After observing Canadian contractors recruit from Ireland and the U.K. and having the first-hand experience of assisting his brother relocate to Canada as a civil engineer, Ruairi set out to build an agency that would specialize in matching global talent with Canadian construction firms.
In 2012, he launched his two companies, Outpost Recruitment and Moving2Canada, with the symbiotic goals of recruiting construction talent, both local and international, while enabling newcomers to navigate the immigration and settlement process by themselves.
Since its founding, Outpost Recruitment has successfully placed hundreds of workers from around the world on some of Canada’s largest building and infrastructure projects. The award-winning Moving2Canada website provides free online resources to help job seekers, generating more than 500,000 visits monthly.
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