Param Dhillon 2023 Winner
Supervisor, Pipe Plant at Lafarge Canada Inc.

Param Dhillon’s achievements speak for themselves. Since taking charge of daily operations at Lafarge’s Winnipeg Pipe Plant, he has made the workplace safer, registering zero health and safety incidents from January 2022 to present. He also has made it more efficient, instituting process and maintenance improvements that have reduced overtime hours by 85 per cent, leading to lower labour costs, stronger employee morale and greater productivity. In addition, Param makes full use of innovation to improve performance, including development of data and efficiency solutions, among them a stock tracker that ensures adequate supplies and minimizes unnecessary downtime, and creation of a plant competency tracker, which helps employees to learn and develop in accordance with company strategic goals. He also continues to develop his own skills and competencies, and generously shares his time with a variety of good causes in the community.
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