Lyndsey Shaw 2024 Winner
Sr. Project Manager at Ledcor Construction Limited

Lyndsey Shaw, senior project manager at Ledcor Construction Limited, knows how to get things done under challenging circumstances. Working in the construction industry for 13 years, Lyndsey excels in managing high-stakes projects, including a multimillion-dollar hospital in northern Saskatchewan that is vital for local communities. Her leadership shines through her skillful management of challenges, including resource scarcity and remote locations, ensuring projects remain on track to meet critical deadlines. During COVID-19, despite the unprecedented challenges, her team worked closely with the health, safety and environment teams to implement the use of QR codes for daily health questionnaires. This ensured not only the safety of the workers on-site, but also the timely completion of a high-rise project without downtime. Her advocacy for inclusivity extends beyond project management, with initiatives like increasing baby-changing stations and converting single-compartment washrooms to unisex facilities. Lyndsey’s commitment to mentoring and community involvement, alongside her professional achievements, underscore her dedication to advancing the construction industry and fostering a safe and inclusive work environment.
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