UNB Off-site Construction Research Centre

Brandon Searle 2022 Winner

Director, Innovation and Operations at UNB Off-site Construction Research Centre

UNB Off-site Construction Research Centre

Instrumental in the ongoing development of the Off-site Construction Research Centre (OCRC)
at University of New Brunswick (UNB), Brandon Searle has been actively growing the centre’s board and partners. The OCRC recently introduced its first executive board of construction leaders from across the country and secured collaborative research projects with more than 20 industry partners.

The centre, which was established in 2019 and includes computational labs with over 14 workstations, a state-of-art collaboration space and seven full-time employees. OCRC also continues to advance its technical capabilities with a new building envelope testing lab. Based on the significant, and rapid, growth in the OCRC, Searle was promoted from innovation director to director of innovation and operations in late 2021.

A licenced professional engineer under the Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists NB, Searle is also the co-founder and partner at DCA Consulting Inc., sits as a board member and secretary for Building Transformations (formerly CanBIM), and is an active member of the Off-site Construction working group with the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.


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