Annik Forristal 2023 Winner
Equity Partner and Co-Group Head, National Infrastructure and Construction Group at McMillan LLP

Annik Forristal was an engineer before she became a lawyer, giving her unique and valuable perspectives from which to advise clients in the construction industry. The success of her practice is evident by many measures, starting with the high profiles of the clients and projects she has advised, among them Rogers Stadium Limited Partnership (renovation of Rogers Centre) and The Hospital for Sick Children (including its Project Horizon campus redevelopment). Annik also worked with the Ontario Association of Architects to update their standard form contracts. Recognized by multiple organizations as one of Canada’s leading construction and infrastructure lawyers, she also received McMillan’s in-house Leadership in Mentoring Award. Annik’s devotion to the construction industry is manifest in the sheer number of activities she undertakes on its behalf, including strong advocacy for best practices and working with opposing counsel in a spirit of partnership rather than of animosity.
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